I was 64 when I decided to become a flight attendant. You read that right. 64. I had been in professional marketing for 18 years, holding a variety of positions, when I decided to retire. That lasted for a few short months of relished freedom. But ultimately, I began to twiddle my thumbs. What to do today? Did it have any purpose? When I was writing, I had purpose. When I wasn’t, I didn’t. Let’s face it. I needed more. I was still a high energy person, enjoyed people and loved to travel. I was struggling with how to find the funds to do the latter when a good friend, Mary Knowlton (more about her later) suggested I become a flight attendant. I laughed, pointed to my short white hair and said, “Hello.” Mary’s come back shocked me. “They love people your age. You have good work ethics, your life experiences will help you deal with a wide variety of people and the big plus, you can hear passengers’ stories from a writer’s point-of-view.