Let’s try this again. Halloween is a little over a month away and it’s a controversial holiday. Yes it dates back to pagan times when people believed that on All Hallowed’s Eve, the night before Halloween, the veil was very thin between those who had passed and those who still lived. Thus, that night they dressed their children in costume so that people on the other side of the veil would not recognize them and snatch them. I guess that’s what deceased relatives were thought to do back then. The tradition came forward as merely a celebration of fall combined with carved pumpkins, decorated houses, dressing up in costumes, trick or treating, and lots of scary stories. Some fear that the Devil is involved but the Devil was never part of the original celebration, or later the Christian one. You can thank US advertising companies for advancing the story to include all kinds of evil possibilities. I prefer the lighter side, but in fairness to the other position, Book 7 of my Casey Click series will address Halloween. So grab a cup of hot apple cider, a comfortable chair by a crackling fire, and in between answering the door to visiting (little) ghosts and goblins (with an occasional purple Prince thrown in) begging for candy, enjoy a scary read. BOO. “Drawing Down the Moon” should be online by Halloween.